
  • shirkadani waxay soo saarta Basbaasyo, Xawaasho tayo leh, kuwaasi oo si fiican loo nadiifiyay , lana ilaaliyay weelka lagu shubay. waxaana lagu daraa xawaashyo ku haboon dhadhanka .

  • dhamaan waxy ka samaysan yihiin dhir dabiiciya oo u fiican caafimadka iyo faytamiinada jidhka u baahan yahay

  • This company produces chili quality spices , which are well cleaned and preserved in the containers and added with suitable spices for taste and smell.

  • All of them are made from natural plants that are good for health and vitamins that the body needs.


The Chemistry of soap manufacturing remain primarily the same until the year 1916, when the first synthetic detergent was developed in Germany in response to the shortage of fats for making soaps during the World War I commonly known as detergents today synthetic detergents are non soap washing and cleaning product , which are put together chemically or synthesized to produce a variety of raw materials.

Laundry with perfume

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Hand wash with small perfume

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